Simpl is a middleware platform funded by the European Commission that supports secure data sharing across European data initiatives. It enables interoperability by promoting common data standards and policies, and by providing compatible open source components that can be reviewed and modified by anyone, according to their own data needs.
Simpl’s mission is to unleash the power of existing data by enabling the creation of data chains across multiple industries while maintaining the ownership and control of data at its source. This not only enhances security, but also guarantees that the available data are always up to date.
Today, Simpl’s team is developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with essential functionalities, and the plans for the future are for community users and service providers to develop and maintain Simpl. For this reason, it is important to get involved early and prepare your organisation for the European data standard of the future. Learn about Simpl, visit the repository and the community page and join us in revolutionising the European data ecosystem!
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